BNI Asset Management engages employees to Care for the Environment through the "Act Green Now For Sustain Tomorrow" campaign

Senin, 10 September 2018

BNI Asset Management engages employees to Care for the Environment through the "Act Green Now For Sustain Tomorrow" campaign

BNI Asset Management (“BNI-AM”) is committed to supporting sustainable development goals in the responsible consumption & production sector in its CSR program through environmental care activities. Through the collection and sorting of paper and plastic waste to be recycled into productive goods.

In this regard, BNI-AM held an environmental awareness CSR with the theme "Act Green Now for Sustain Tomorrow", where BNI-AM employees participated in sorting waste from paper, cardboard or plastic waste to be recycled into productive goods with the children assisted by the Foundation. Creative Nara. "This program aims to grow and strengthen the company's commitment to environmentally friendly activities (Green Company) as well as part of Employee Engagement because we invite employees who are interested to take part in workshops and carry out the waste recycling process directly," said Harriny Yulianty - Corporate Communication Div. Head of BNI-AM.

In this activity, Nara Kreatif's foster children taught BNI-AM employees to recycle unused paper waste into useful items such as agendas, wrapping paper, paper bags, souvenir boxes, and even wallpaper as wall decorations.



"It turns out that for every reduction in the use of 2 tons of paper, we can save 34 trees. Likewise with recycling used paper and plastic, synonymous with helping the continuity of education & life of street children who are fostered by Yayasa Nara Creative," said Harriny Yulianty.

Not only recycling in this activity, BNI-AM also socialized "The importance of saving & managing money for the future to foster children from the Nara Kreatif Foundation because from the work of the children assisted by Nara Kreatif, they were given appreciation by the founder of the Foundation with way in the tube in the Bank. “We teach or give understanding to them to save regularly. When they grow up and enter high school or university, they can start a higher level way of saving, namely investing in mutual funds," said Harriny Yulianty.

Campaigns for environmental care activities and education as well as financial inclusion are activities that have the same vision, namely for the continuity of the human future so that it needs to be managed properly from a young age for a prosperous future. The theme Act Green Now For Sustain Tomorrow has the same purpose and understanding as how we invest early for a better future, namely Invest Now For Sustain Tomorrow.

By involving employees in this activity, it is hoped that employees will care about cleanliness starting from the closest environment such as offices and homes, so that employees can participate in preserving the environment.